Grillstock: fire is lit!


We’ve lit the first chimney of the weekend, tunes are playing, it’s not raining .. and we’re about to cook some sausages!! Bring it on grillstock!

Grillstock: cook’s meeting


We’re in DrBBQ’s cook’s meeting. Shock news is that the competition boxes are a bit smaller than the KCBS regulation 9″x9″ size. We’ve had a good 10 minute discussion on that so far. Will Lap be able to fit his 7 ribs in the box?! Find out tomorrow at 3pm. Now we’re talking garnish! Can you put a pickle in the box? Can you put a sprig of rosemary? (yes)

Grillstock: setting up!


We’re here! After a slow crawl in traffic we’ve unloaded our gear and will now set up our pitch. Excited to be neighbouring Bunch of Swines, Newman’s own and Bodeans!

Grillstock: Brisket n’ beans practice

A few questions I want to answer with today’s practice:

  • how does brisket cooked without the “Texas crutch” compare with foiled brisket?
  • can I cook a 3kg brisket in under 10 hours this way?
  • how does Lap’s smoked andouille work with beans?
  • does adding coffee to the rub improve it?

280g pinto beans, soaked overnight
1 large onion
1/2 green pepper
andouille links
tomato paste
molasses sugar
worcestershire sauce
chipotle ketchup
beef stock
cumin (whole)
cinnamon (ground)

So my killer, secret ingredient here is Lap’s smoked andouille links … and it’s only a secret because he won’t tell me the recipe! I got some chipotle ketchup from and bunged in a load for heat.

3.1kg- very fatty

brown sugar
fresh garlic
cayenne pepper

apple & pear
worcestershire sauce
white sugar

9am fridge 100%
11am 200 145 100%
11.30am 240 100%
12.15am 250 50%
13.30 235 160 90%
14.00 225 169 100%
15.00 240 170 100%
17.50 260 180 (thickest) 200 (thin) 80% – opened
18.20 260 195 (foiled)